This Saturday (18) Jesus Fest takes place in Central Beach Anchieta. The dual revelation of backcountry gospel, Andrew and Philip, will be responsible for animating the party from 22 hours. Among the successes of the double stand out the "Rain of Power" songs, "It's Miracle", "Winning Time" and "Dreamer",The Attitude 09 band will also attend the event. They will perform around 20 hours. Jesus Fest is sponsored by the city of Anchieta, through the Municipal Bureau of Tourism, Trade and Entrepreneurship and Management Culture and Heritage,
The brothers Andrew and Philip were born in Maringa, Parana. Were created in Americana (SP) and now reside in Joinville (SC). With 14 years of career, the singers already have eight albums recorded and more than 200,000 copies sold. They have traveled all over Brazil taking the best of backcountry gospel to a diverse audience, mainly characterized by youth and adolescents,
Aged 6 and 7 years, respectively, the duo began to praise God in the churches of the region where they lived. Since then began to dream of recording a CD. The first was a great experience for them. The work was very pleasing to the public then they recorded three other CDs: "Vase New", "Earthquake" and "Time to Win". After launched the fifth of his career, with the title "Rain of Power,