2007年全英音乐奖最佳国际突破艺人,来自美国却在英国大放异彩的欢乐摇滚新部队首张专辑《Bright Idea》以及主攻单曲“No Tomorrow”全数拱入英国金榜冠军乘胜追击出版第二张大碟登上英国金榜TOP 25,首波派对之歌“Ain't No Party”轻松搭建浓厚Disco-Funk节拍跳入英国TOP 21摇滚乐不再只是疯狂甩头,更能快乐随性起舞,甚至是炒热舞池气氛的配乐,虽然是组不折不扣的美国团,却在英国大放光芒,不仅抱走2007年全英音乐奖最佳国际突破艺人,更受到《Q》杂志赞誉:“从好莱坞的无名小卒变身为全英最呛乐团!”年轻的Orson宣泄充沛精力,完全解放你的武装保护,毫无顾忌的随乐起舞,可以让你心情为之一开、Orson就是这么简单掳获你的双耳,将所有目光投射在他们身上!1999年由擅长用钢琴创作的主唱Jason Pebworth协同双吉他手George Astasio和Kevin Roentgen、贝斯手Johnny Bentjen、鼓手Christopher Cano五位小伙子组成Orson。花费五年光阴四处走唱,直到在英国曼彻斯特In The City活动公开表演时,立即赢得环球唱片一纸合约。2006年主推单曲“No Tomorrow”,不仅登上英国金榜冠军,创下英伦iTunes史上单周最高下载纪录,紧接着问世的首张专辑《Bright Idea》直接空降排行冠军,同名单曲成为足球电影《疾风禁区2 Goal! 2》主题歌,更受邀于英国戴妃逝世十周年纪念演唱会上献艺。趁着这波热潮尚存之际,Orson拱出第二张大碟《Culture Vultures》,登上英国金榜Top 25位置,请来合作愉快的搭档Noah Shain二度主镇制作。开场曲“Radio”满溢着顺畅流行线条,跳跃出庞克强劲频率,足以让聆听者平日堆积的难过与压力抛到九霄云外;接着首波主打“Ain't No Party”轻松搭建浓厚Disco-Funk节拍,延续“No Tomorrow”的气氛,大秀玩乐复古摇滚的真本事,占据英国Top 21;带着伤感情绪演出的“Broken Watch”为已逝爱恋展现脆弱的一面,编曲却大舍悲哀苦闷的舒缓声线,仍释出无比光鲜明亮色泽;“Where You Are”则是Jason相当私人的抒情小品,回想自己身旁走走停停的人们,那些往日回忆瞬间涌入,充满深刻记印与感动;掉入Michael Jackson“Billie Jean”声影中的“Little Miss Lost & Found”,再次交错于放克的挑动旋律以及双吉他堆栈铺陈,呈现一首相当耐人寻味的舒服小品。Orson的二度出击果真没让人失望,在末曲“Everybody!”犹如小型嘉年华会般的驱动下,留下大大的满足感。 曲目: by Jason AnkenyAlternative pop quintet Orson formed in Hollywood in 2000. Co-founders Jason Pebworth (vocals) and George Astasio (guitar) borrowed the name from cinematic icon Orson Welles, and their Tinseltown origins also inspired the band's decision to perform in vintage suits and fedoras. Lead guitarist Chad Rachild, bassist Johnny Lonely, and drummer Chris Cano completed the original lineup, which gigged throughout the Los Angeles area to little notice until the fall of 2005, when Orson self-released their debut LP, Bright Idea. Rachild resigned soon after the record's release, and upon adding new guitarist Kevin Roentgen, Orson toured the U.K. and immediately found favor with the mercurial British music press, further cultivating their European fan base via opening dates for Duran Duran. After a brief return to Hollywood, Orson relocated to London in early 2006, signing to Mercury and reissuing Bright Idea in the spring. The album topped the U.K. charts, and the lead single "No Tomorrow" hit number one as well. In 2007, the band appeared at the Concert for Diana and released their second album, Culture Vultures.