For 18 years, the internationally acclaimed hottest show on legs, Dein Perry’s TAP DOGS have taken the world by storm with their sexy, fast and fabulous tap show that combines the strength and power of hot and hunky workmen with the precision and talent of tap dancing.
The show started with six guys from a steel town north of Sydney, Australia. Olivier Award winning choreographer Dein Perry headed the team with designer/director Nigel Triffitt, and composer Andrew Wilkie and created TAP DOGS; an 80 minute reinvention of tap.
Australian DEIN PERRY, creator and choreographer of TAP DOGS, has come a long way from the garage behind his dance teacher's house in Newcastle, a steel town north of Sydney where, as young boys, he and the "Dogs" learned how to tap. At the age of 17, with no opportunities in sight for a dancing career, he earned his union papers as an industrial machinist before moving to Sydney where he tried to break into show business. Small chorus parts in Broadway-style musicals led to Dein's big break when he was cast in the long running Sydney production of 42ND STREET. When it closed, Dein decided to create a contemporary show around the themes of his industrial experience with his Newcastle tap dancing mates.