why im doing this
i love when people dancing and find a way to express them self, or to shake all doubts and krampfe away. for that moment im spinning records. various wonderful dancemusic. no limits. the other thing is: i love when you are alone at home with all your life-stories in your head and listen the music you really close to. your dancefloor can be intimate, your home sowieso.
what im doing now
im working on new songs. some of them are quiet ok. im trying to find the right words to tell a story so beautiful like a sunrise in istanbul. if i got it, i will check a record label in abroad for releasing my new stuff. who is kalabrese
Kalabrese is one of the more glittering characters in Zurichs music scene and mingling at the frontline as dj, producer and as club owner. Through his very own style as a producer he caused a stir outside of Switzerland. Kalabrese Debut Album "Rumpelzirkus"is a great piece of music. It rumbles and works the funk organically and song oriented and recevied good reviews in the independent dance-scene all around the world. For the last two years, Kalabrese and his Rumpelorchestra toured through clubs and festivals ( Sonar 08 and Mutek 07, transmediale berlin, electrowave florence, bukarest) all around the world. At the moment, Kalabrese focusse in the album production and is on the road for some dj gigs. He did some remixes for artists and labels like; tosca, crosstown rebels, dOP, drumpoet community, filewhile, luke solomon and the excellent "elleli" witch was licensed for the famous house label innervision and found his way in many many dj-cases and charts.