1978年7月9日出生在一个母亲是德国人,父亲是非洲裔美国人的家庭,虽然从六岁就开始在父亲的要求下吟唱福音歌曲(教会歌曲),但直到2007年在参加了一个德国选秀节目后才真正出名,凭借在选秀节目中出色表演的mark,在欧美迅速掀起了一股热潮,当年(2007)他便发行了两张专辑,分别名叫《Mr.lonely》(孤单先生)和《Dreamcatcher》(追梦人),并且其中的《unbelievable》(难以置信)《seven days》(七天)《Moment of my life》(我一生的这一刻)《Just a dreamer》(仅仅是梦想人)等歌曲在欧美地区受到热捧,并且以其实力赢得了乐评人的好评以及歌迷的追随。 Mark medlock是一个非常富有竞争意识的歌手,他从参加比赛开始就一直非常努力,最终获得了78.02 %的支持率,超过了之前在他前面的选手,一举夺得冠军。他也是第一个混合民族的冠军歌手。 2007年7月1日他发行了他的首张专辑《Mr.lonely》(孤单先生),并且以其中的《Now or never》《You can get it》两首单曲长坐德国、瑞士、澳大利亚金曲榜分别超过15周。隶属于SonyBMG公司的他,在2007年11月25日发行了他的第二张唱片《Dreamcatcher》(追梦人)。
2008年5月30日他发行了第三张专辑《Cloud dancer》(云舞者),其中的《Summer love》同样获得了不错的反响。
2009年05月22日发行专辑《Club Tropicana》,然而Mark medlock的生活并不是一帆风顺的,出生在一个母亲是德国人父亲是非洲裔美国人家庭的他,一直是家中的顶梁柱,然而就在1990年,他的母亲被查出癌症,之后的10年中他一直陪伴在母亲身边,只到2000年她的母亲终于离他而去,2年后他的父亲也因心脏病突发离他而去,在这期间为了照顾父母和比自己小的弟弟Larry ,Mark找了很多份工作包括老年护理、园盯清除沼泽工甚至垃圾工。
German vocalist Mark Medlock was the landslide winner of Deutschland Sucht den Superstar's fourth season. His record sales and collaborations following his win set Medlock apart as one of reality TV's more successful finds. Born in July 1978 to an African-American father and German mother, Medlock was raised in Frankfurt. Alongside his younger brother, Medlock was brought up in the working-class Offenbach am Main neighborhood. His father, originally from Georgia, raised the boys on a steady diet of soul and gospel. Medlock displayed talent early, singing as early as age six. Medlock didn't finish school, abandoning his studies during his late teens to care for his ailing mother, who ultimately died in 2000. Followed shortly thereafter by his father, Medlock and his brother were left to fend for themselves, taking labor jobs to support themselves. The young vocalist's luck certainly changed thanks to his participation in Deutschland Sucht den Superstar, becoming an audience favorite early in the program. Ultimately winning with better than 75 percent of audience votes, Medlock's powerful vocals won him an immense fan base. His debut record, Mr. Lonely, featured singles such as "Now or Never" and "You Can Get It," both of which hit number one on German charts. DSDS panel judge and dance-pop mogul Dieter Bohlen was featured as producer/songwriter on a number of Medlock's hits. The two teamed up for Medlock's sophomore record, Dreamcatcher, also released in 2007. Fueled by radio hit "Unbelievable," Medlock's second time out hit number six on the German charts within a few weeks of its release.