Aura Dione原名Mariah Dione,Aura Dione在丹麦是一位出色的歌手,母亲是法国人,父亲拥有丹麦和西班牙双重国籍,从小就在音乐环境中成长,也受到双亲的支持。
Aura Dione is the daughter of a Faroe/French mother and a Danish/Spanish father, and currently lives on the small Eastern island of Bornholm in Denmark. Musically she collaborates with people from around the world, including Australia, England, USA and Japan and is involved in everything from art and photo exhibitions to styling and design. Aura is a self-made artist, who writes her own lyrics and music and dictates her own album covers, music videoes and image.
She has travelled around the world and hardly stays in one country for long at a time. Her drive and almost a life time’s worth of travelling has taught her that humor, curiosity and people are what makes the world turn.
In 2006 she released her first single in Denmark, “Something from Nothing”, which was chosen as “Unavoidable Track of the Week” by the biggest Danish radio station, P3. In 2008 she released her debut album, “Columbine”, to great reviews in all major Danish news papers.
Aura Dione er datter af en f?r?sk/fransk mor og en dansk/spansk far. Da hun var 3 uger gammel tog familien p? en 7 ?rs jordomrejse der har v?ret med til at pr?ge Auras skabertrang ud i det ekstreme - p? en b?d midt p? havet kan du ikke g?re meget andet end at l?se, skrive og spille musik.