Love is a condition of the head 愛情是腦中進入了一種狀態 Wanna push a button and reset 我想按下按鈕便能重新開始 But you're still up in my skirt 你仍然迷戀我身下的裙擺 I thought if you had a piece of me 我想如果你得到我的一部分 I could keep the other 2 or 3 我還能保留剩餘的自己 But, now that's not how it works 但現在早已無法克制
I shouldn't be here right now 我現在不該留在這裡 But you got me figured out 但你讓我明白 Pushing my pieces round, I know this game 讓我不斷拼湊碎片, 我懂了這遊戲 And I need a miracle 而我需要奇蹟出現 To break from this ritual 去破除這些不堪的一切 Till then I'll be saying the same thing 到那時我會說出同樣的話
Take me downtown 帶我進入繁華之城 Use my body all night 與我盡情纏綿整晚 Make me feel like last time 讓我感受這像最後一刻 Make it taste like love 嘗試到如愛情的滋味 Take me downtown 帶我進入城市 Yours until my heart dies 直到彼此生命消逝 Give it up one last time 放棄了最後一刻 Give it up for love 放手付出這段感情